Over 100 Million People Use Mobile Apps Each Day
Recently, a company that tracks the analytics of mobile apps found that the prime time that consumers are using mobile apps is not during the standard 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. time period, but it is actually at 9 pm. During this time, it is estimated that nearly half of the people who own an Androd or iOS device, which is nearly 50 million people, are using a mobile app.
It was also stated that the use of mobile apps is higher than the use of the non-mobile internet each day. During a one day time period, it is estimated that nearly 110 million consumers use a mobile app. Since last June, the use of mobile apps has grown nearly 91 percent, which means that people are spending an average of 64 minutes a day on them.
If you are trying to expand your business, the mobile world may be your best option. Contact the custom mobile developments of Rocket Tier today by calling 1-800-341-4643 and discussing how the mobile world can help you.